ChatGPT на ўроках англійскай мовы: як зрабіць штучны інтэлект саюзнікам педагога

- 15:08Образование, Портфолио, Приложение

Штучны інтэлект, у прыватнасці ChatGPT, можа вызваліць педагога ад сумных задач і даць яму больш часу для пошуку цікавых матэрыялаў і жывых зносін з навучэнцамі, а таксама значна дапамагчы ў праверцы і аналізе вучнёўскіх работ.

ChatGPT дазваляе працаваць з лексікай і дапамагае падрыхтаваць спіс слоў па ўзроўнях мовы на аснове тэксту або відэа, падабраць азначэнні і прыклады выкарыстання слоў на англійскай мове або іх перакладаў на рускую мову.

Пры дапамозе гэтага сэрвісу можна ства­раць практыкаванні на запаўненне пропускаў, генерыра­ваць тэксты на аснове зададзеных слоў, а таксама выбіраць сінонімы і антонімы для лексічных адзінак з прапанаванага спіса.

Напрыклад, пры запыце стварыць спіс з 10 слоў (узроўню А2), выкарыстоўваючы тэкст аб аб’яўленні 2023 года Годам міру і стварэння на старонцы, ChatGPT прапануе наступнае:



Create the list of 10 words (level of English a2) using the text and add definitions from Cambridge Dictionary


• Consolidate: to become, or cause something to become, stronger, and more certain.•

• Belarusian: relating to Belarus or its people.

• Peace: freedom from war or violence, especially when people live and work together happily without disagreements.

• Creative: producing or using original and unusual ideas.

• Society: a large group of people who live together in an organized way, making decisions about how to do things and sharing the work that needs to be done.

• President: the person who has the highest political position in a country that does not have a king or queen.

• Year: a period of twelve months, especially from 1 January to 31 December.

• Education: the process of teaching or learning, especially in a school or college, or the knowledge that you get from this.

• Dialogue: communication between two or more people or groups who are discussing something together to try to reach an agreement.

• Economic: relating to trade, industry, and money, especially in a country.

Выкарыстоўваючы атрыманы спіс, можна папрасіць чат-бот згенерыраваць заданні на яго аснове, працягваючы ўжо наяўную гутарку і не капіруючы словы зноў. У выніку мы атрымліваем наступны адказ:



Gap filling task: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from the list.

Belarus is a sovereign state in Eastern Europe. It gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. The country has a rich culture and history. The Belarusian language is an important part of the country’s ______ heritage. The government is working to ______ the economy by promoting trade and industry. The President of Belarus declared 2023 as the Year of Peace and Creation to strengthen the idea of _____ in the _______. The government is also focused on improving the system of military and patriotic ______ to promote peaceful initiatives among citizens.


Word formation task: Use the root word in brackets to form a word that fits in the blank.

Belarus is known for its ______ (create) arts and crafts. The country has a long history of ______ (educate) and culture. The _______ (economy) growth of the country is impressive. The government is working to _______ (consolidate) its power and influence in the region. _______ (dialogue) between different groups is important for maintaining peace in the country.

У працэсе вывучэння граматыкі ChatGPT можна выкарыстоўваць для стварэння прыкладаў пры рабоце з пэўнымі граматычнымі структурамі, а таксама для генерыравання серыі практыкаванняў. Напрыклад, для работы з умоўным ладам можна запытаць некалькі прыкладаў на зададзеную камунікатыўную тэму.


Create some sentences using different types of Conditionals and the topic of the Year of Peace and Creation in Belarus


Conditional 1:

If we work together, we can achieve peace and create a better world.

Conditional 2:

If people had more opportunities for creative expression, society would benefit from new ideas and innovations.

Conditional 3:

If people had invested more in education and dialogue in the past, the country’s economic situation might be different today.

Mixed Conditional:

If Belarus had declared a Year of Peace and Creation earlier, more people might have been inspired to participate in projects promoting harmony and innovation.

У адказ на запыт (Make up a series of tasks with different types of Conditionals) аб стварэнні некалькіх заданняў для замацавання гэтай граматычнай тэмы можна атрымаць наступнае:



Task 1: Gap-filling with Conditional 1

Complete the following sentences using Conditional 1:

If I _______ (have) more time, I _______ (attend) the peaceful event organized to celebrate the Year of Peace and Creation in Belarus.

If the weather _______ (be) nice tomorrow, we _______ (have) a picnic to discuss the importance of peace and creativity in society.

If we _______ (start) planning earlier, we _______ (organize) a bigger event for the Year of Peace and Creation in Belarus.

If the Belarusian government _______ (invest) more in education in previous years, the Year of Peace and Creation _______ (have) even greater impact on society.

If we all _______ (make) an effort to be more creative and promote peaceful initiatives, we _______ (make) the Year of Peace and Creation a success.


Task 2: Matching with Conditional 2

Match the first clause in Column A with the appropriate second clause in Column B:




Task 3: Word formation with

Conditional 3

Use the words in parentheses to complete the following sentences using Conditional 3:

1. If the Belarusian government had (invest) more in education in previous years, the Year of Peace and Creation (have) even greater impact on society.

2. If we all had (make) an effort to be more creative and promote peaceful initiatives, we (have) made the Year of Peace and Creation a success.

3. If I had (know) about the event earlier, I (attend) it.

4. If we had (plan) the event better, we (attract) more people.

5. If the weather had (be) nice yesterday, we (spend) the day outdoors discussing the importance of peace and creativity.

Усе заданні паддаюцца рэдагаванню і могуць быць выкарыстаны ў адукацыйным працэсе. Больш за тое, ChatGPT можа тлумачыць граматычныя правілы і дае зваротную сувязь. Гэтая функцыя робіць магчымым праверку правільнасці выканання дамашніх заданняў, а таксама рэцэнзаванне пісьмовых работ.



Is this sentence correct? If I met my friend yesterday, we would have gone to the park together


The sentence is grammatically correct, but the use of the conditional may not be appropriate in this case.

“If I had met my friend yesterday, we would have gone to the park together” would be a better choice, as it uses the third conditional to refer to an unreal past situation (not having met the friend) and its hypothetical result (not going to the park together).

Using the second conditional “If I met my friend yesterday, we would have gone to the park together” would be appropriate if the speaker is implying that they were unable to meet their friend yesterday and expressing a desire for a different outcome.

ChatGPT дазваляе генерыраваць пытанні для абмеркавання, цэлы план урока ці серыю ўрокаў, шукаць адказы на пытанні навучэнцаў і ствараць матэрыялы для публікацый у сацыяльных сетках.



Ask questions to start the lesson on the Year of Peace and Creation


What does peace mean to you?

What creative activities do you enjoy doing in your free time?

How do you think promoting peaceful initiatives can benefit society?

What are some examples of peaceful initiatives in your community?

How do you think education can contribute to building a more peaceful world?

What economic models do you think can help promote peace and stability in society?

How can interfaith dialogue help to foster peace and harmony in society?

How can we improve military and patriotic education without promoting aggression and violence?

What role do you think creative labor plays in the development of society?

In what ways can we strengthen the perception of our community as an ‘island of peace’?

Выкарыстанне ChatGPT можа быць карысным інструментам для настаўнікаў замежнай мовы, якія хочуць паскорыць і спрасціць працэс стварэння і падрыхтоўкі вучэбных матэрыялаў. Аднак варта ўлічваць, што штучны інтэлект не з’яўляецца ідэальным і можа дапускаць памылкі ў выбары азначэнняў і прыкладаў выкарыстання слоў, таму неабходна рупліва правяраць вынікі работы ChatGPT і пры неабходнасці карэкціраваць запыты.

Вольга ЛУКША,
настаўніца англійскай мовы Браслаўскай гімназіі
Віцебскай вобласці, член клуба “Крыштальны журавель”